The Importance of Being Creative.
Since I started working back at the ripe old age of 15 I have worked in and amongst what people refer to as “creatives”. These are folks that use the right side of their brain primarily to do things like make music, create films, design things, draw, paint or any one of a hundred ways to express ones creativity for profit. But I’ve always thought that giving someone the label of “creative” implies that those on the other side of the equation - the planners and organizers are not creative. While this might be true of some who work on the flip side of the ‘creative coin’ I have always felt that those who are best at what they do - no matter what they do - are extremely creative. It takes creativity to problem solve, it takes creativity to juggle a clients whims and needs, it take creativity to schedule, plan and organize a project. Without creativity your options for solving a dilemma decrease dramatically. Just because your title might not have the word creative in it don’t let that dictate how you go about the job you do. We could all stand to be a little more creative, no?
Author: Kate Crockett